Between 1977 and 1984, audiences across America were treated to the hilarious antics of "Three's Company," a sitcom that pushed the boundaries of television in its time. The show featured memorable characters portrayed by talented actors like John Ritter, Joyce DeWitt, and Suzanne Somers, who delivered both comedy and heart. As the years have passed, many fans have reflected on the impact these stars had on television and culture as a whole.
The premise of "Three's Company," involving a man living with two women, was considered quite risqué at the time. Yet, the show's writers managed to handle the subject with creativity, ensuring that it remained wholesome while still being entertaining. This balance contributed to the show's enduring popularity and its status as a classic sitcom.
However, it wasn't just the main stars who contributed to the charm of "Three's Company." The supporting cast, guest stars, and one-off characters played significant roles in the show's success. Sadly, as time has gone on, many of these talented individuals have passed away. In this article, we will take a closer look at the stars of "Three's Company" who are no longer with us, celebrating their contributions to the show and the legacy they left behind.
Table of Contents
- Biography of John Ritter
- Suzanne Somers and the 'Jiggle TV' Phenomenon
- Don Knotts: A Gracious Comedian
- Ann Wedgeworth: The Brief but Memorable Role
- William Pierson: The Dean of Comedy
- Paul Ainsley: The Underappreciated Bartender
- Brad Blaisdell: Kindness Behind the Bar
- Norman Fell: Endearing the Audience
- Audra Lindley: A Career Until the End
- Peter Mark Richman: Hired on the Spot
- Mickey Deems: A Versatile Performer
- Rod Colbin: The Boss with a Twist
- Dick Shawn: A Heartfelt Performance
Biography of John Ritter
Full Name | Johnathan Southworth Ritter |
Born | September 17, 1948 |
Died | September 11, 2003 |
Notable Role | Jack Tripper on "Three's Company" |
John Ritter was an iconic figure in television comedy, best known for his role as Jack Tripper on "Three's Company." He brought a unique blend of physical comedy and charm, making him a beloved character among fans.
Tragically, Ritter passed away at the age of 54 due to an aortic dissection. His untimely death shocked the entertainment industry and left a deep impact on his colleagues and fans. Many remember him not just for his acting talent but also for his kindness and generosity.