Emily McCue and Sasha Larina, two beloved stars from the reality show "90 Day Fiance," have recently made headlines with exciting life changes. Their journey began in season 7 when they first captured the audience's attention. Emily met Sasha while teaching English in Russia, which was quite a change from her hometown in Portland, Oregon. The couple's relationship faced skepticism due to Sasha's previous marriage and the fact that he had children from previous relationships.
Despite the challenges, Emily and Sasha welcomed their son, David, in 2018, which silenced many critics. Recently, they revealed plans to move back to Russia, hoping to embrace a lifestyle similar to what they had before relocating to the United States. However, the big news doesn't end there, as they shared more exciting updates that fans will love to hear about!
Not only are they moving back to Russia, but Emily also announced that they are expecting their second child! On June 8, 2021, she excitedly shared the news on Instagram, stating that they are expecting a baby in January 2022. This announcement came with a heartwarming photo of their son, David, proudly wearing a shirt that read "Promoted to Big Brother." Emily's candid storytelling about the shirt's backstory added a personal touch to the announcement.
Biography of Emily McCue and Sasha Larina
Name | Details |
Emily McCue | Born in Portland, Oregon. Known for her role in "90 Day Fiance." Teacher and social media influencer. |
Sasha Larina | Originally from Russia. Fitness trainer. Gained fame through his relationship with Emily. |
Children | One son named David, born in 2018. Expecting their second child in January 2022. |
Emily and Sasha's journey has been an emotional rollercoaster, filled with ups and downs. They have proven that love can overcome obstacles and that family is what truly matters. As they prepare for their new adventure back in Russia, fans are eager to see how their story unfolds.
With their growing family and exciting plans, it's clear that Emily and Sasha are committed to building a wonderful life together. Their journey is a beautiful reminder of the importance of love, perseverance, and the joy of welcoming new life. Congratulations to them on their upcoming addition!
Fans of "90 Day Fiance" can't wait to see what the future holds for this dynamic duo. As they navigate their new life in Russia and embrace parenthood once again, they invite everyone to join them on this thrilling ride.